An independent health publishing company
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An independent health publishing company, Health Education Associates, Inc. is committed to enhancing provider-patient relationships with clear, concise and easy-to-comprehend patient education based on thorough and meticulous research.
Health Education Associates has been leading the field for more than thirty years with videos and print collateral at various reading levels and in multiple languages to meet the diverse needs of our clients. In addition to the materials available on our site, many of our videos, such as Magical Hour, Latch 1,2,3 and Skin to Skin in the First Hour After Birth: Practical Advice for Staff after Vaginal and Cesarean Birth, are now available for rental or download from the Healthy Children Project, Inc. website and
To place an order, you can either submit your request here by phone, fax or mail.
PHONE: (888) 888-8077 or (508) 888-8044 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern.
FAX: Fax orders 24/7 to (508) 888-8050.
MAIL: Mail orders to Health Education Associates, Inc., 159 Long Pond Drive, Harwich, MA 02645. Company policy does not allow us to accept new orders from overdue accounts. Finance charges of 1.5% per month (18%) per year will be added to orders not paid within 30 days.
Customers outside the contiguous United States: Our shipping prices are based on shipping within the contiguous 48 states via UPS. To calculate the price for shipping and handling outside of the contiguous 48 states, please double the regular shipping cost. (The pricing chart is on page 21.) For orders beyond the 50 states, please call for specific shipping charges.
Payment for Canadian and foreign orders: We accept checks drawn on a US Bank with a nine digit routing number or a money order in United States funds. You may also charge your order on Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Additional shipping charges will apply
Like any copyrighted material, Health Ed pamphlets may not be reproduced without permission. Photocopying is in violation of federal copyright laws. We have always kept our bulk prices very low (a fraction of the cost of comparable pamphlets) so that they can be purchased in bulk for distribution to patients. You may resell our pamphlets to your patients.
Unfortunately, there are no returns on videos. There is a 30% restocking fee on all other products.