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Food Before One is Not Just for Fun! image

Food Before One is Not Just for Fun!

We’ve all heard it said that “Food Before One is Just for Fun.” In this one-hour presentation, Healthy Children Project faculty member Cindy Turner-Maffei examines the evidence around critical nutrient needs of children under 2 years, and especially in the second half of the first year. Please join in to learn about complementary feeding guidance, how the types of baby foods offered have changed significantly, and how different types and styles of modern complementary foods and feeding strategies may impact future eating behaviors and food choices. 1 contact hour for RN’s, 1.0L CERP for IBCLCs, 1 contact hour for CLCs. Module includes video, self-check questions, and evaluation.

Course Originally Released on: 07/16/2020

Date of Most Recent Review: 07/16/2023

Next Scheduled Update / Expiration Date: 07/16/2025

Course must be completed within 6 months of purchase.
